5 exercises to keep fit

A fit body is essential for having an immune system that is ready to respond.
In addition, keeping physically fit can have important positive impacts on the mental level as well.
The problem, often, is that time is always short and commitments always too many.
During the day, it is not always easy to find space to devote to one's self and one's well-being, and this is one of the biggest obstacles for those who would instead like to practice physical activity to keep fit.
Fortunately, however, there are some exercises that can be done even at home and that require little time.
Obviously, it will not be like going to work out in specific spaces with ad hoc equipment and tools, but they are exercises that, if done regularly and carefully, will still benefit our bodies.
Here are some examples of physical exercises that you can also do at home, with little space and no special equipment.
Before you start with the exercises, remember to do a short warm-up, while once you have finished, devote a few minutes to stretching.
Jumping in place
Perfect exercise to increase heart rate while engaging the whole body.
The exercise is very simple: stand, legs together and arms long at the sides of your body.
Jump and meanwhile open your legs and raise your arms above your head.
Then return to the starting position and repeat over and over.
This exercise is mainly for the legs, buttocks and abs.
Stand and spread your legs slightly until your feet are the same width as your shoulders.
Then bend slightly on your legs, somewhat as if you were sitting, keeping your torso erect and your abdominals taut. Do not go too low: stop when your buttocks are level with your knees. Stay in this position for a second or two and then return to the starting position using only leg and abdominal strength and keeping your torso erect and your gaze forward.
Perhaps the best-known free-body exercise, extremely effective when performed well and able to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest, arms and abdominals.
The hands should be positioned slightly beyond shoulder width, elbows close to the body, legs and back should be straight and abdominal muscles tight: it is important that the back does not curve inward downward to avoid problems, and it is important that the legs also stay straight to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
Descend and ascend while keeping your gaze low to the floor to avoid neck problems.
Another exercise that is definitely famous and known by virtually everyone and that we cannot fail to mention is the classic exercise used to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Although there are divrse ways to perform this exercise, the most classic is also the easiest:
Just lie on your back on a hard surface, using a gym mat to make the position more comfortable. At this point, bend your knees while keeping your feet resting on the floor and lift your torso by contracting your abdominal muscles, without helping yourself with other parts of your body and without straining your neck too much to avoid pain.
These exercises, if done regularly and correctly, can help you stay in shape not only physically, but also mentally: mens sana in corpore sano!
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