
Stress does not go on vacation

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What is stress?

Stress is our body's reaction to situations of pressure or change, whether positive or negative.
Often when we talk about stress we instead mean distress, which is the negative aspect of this condition.
If stress is controlled and can help us perform better, we speak instead of eustress.
When we are under stress, our bodies release hormones that put us in a state of alertness and prepare us to deal with the situation.
Sometimes, a small dose of “positive” stress (eustress) can help us motivate and perform better. Be careful, however, because excessive and prolonged stress can have negative effects on our physical and mental health.

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Pre-departure stress: how to manage it

Ah, vacations: sun, relaxation, carefree. Are we sure this is really the case?
Before leaving for vacation, it is very common to experience anxiety or stress, and this can be caused by a number of factors, such as fear of forgetting something, anxiety about traveling, or worrying about work.
To manage pre-departure stress you can follow some useful tips:

    Plan ahead for your vacation and organize everything in detail so you feel more in control of the situation;
    Make a list of everything you need for the trip so you don't forget anything and have everything you need in sight;
    Take time to relax before departure, perhaps with a walk or a hot bath;
    Organize your work to make sure that everything is in order while you are away and that when you return there are no excessive loads.

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Fear of taking flight: how to manage it

Fear of flying is very common, affecting nearly a quarter of the population.
This fear can be caused by past negative experiences, a lack of confidence in aircraft safety, or simply anxiety about taking off and landing.

Here are some tips for managing the fear of flying:

    Learn about airplane safety, flight procedures, and accident statistics-you will gain more confidence in airplanes by noting that they are safe means of transportation, checked every flight, and that accident statistics report extremely low numbers
    Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation while flying
    Carry objects or activities that can reassure you, such as books, music or video games
    Ask the cabin crew for help if you need support or reassurance-they will be there to reassure you


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Rientro post vacanze: come gestirlo al meglio

Il rientro dalle vacanze può essere uno shock per il sistema, sia fisico che mentale. Dopo giorni o settimane di relax e svago, tornare alla routine quotidiana può essere stressante. Per gestire al meglio il rientro post vacanze:

Prendersi del tempo per adattarsi nuovamente alla routine, senza pretendere troppo da sé stessi

Mantenere uno stile di vita sano, con una dieta equilibrata e regolare attività fisica

Organizzare il lavoro in modo graduale, senza sovraccaricarsi subito di impegni

Ritagliarsi momenti di pausa e relax durante la giornata, anche solo per qualche minuto

In conclusione, lo stress è una parte inevitabile della vita, ma con le giuste strategie possiamo imparare a gestirlo in modo sano ed efficace, sia prima, durante che dopo le vacanze. Prendersi cura di sé stessi e chiedere aiuto quando serve sono i primi passi per affrontare lo stress in modo positivo.


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