
The 6 golden tips to prevent cystitis

consigli cistite

Here are some good habits to follow to prevent cystitis:

  1. Hydrate properly, to dilute the urine and facilitate the elimination of bacteria;
  2. Follow a healthy, balanced diet that promotes the balance of the intestinal microbiota. Foods such as pomegranate or artichoke that are rich in prebiotics promote the growth of normal gut flora bacteria;
  3. Limit consumption of irritating foods such as chilli peppers, sausages, preserved foods, spirits and coffee to reduce the risk of bladder inflammation;
  4. Do pelvic floor strengthening exercises to keep the muscles toned, preventing relaxation and reducing the risk of recurrence.
  5. Use gentle cleansers for intimate hygiene care, avoid wearing damp or too tight-fitting synthetic clothing and avoid using tampons for a long time;
  6. The content of natural supplements containing cranberry, D-mannose and pomegranate can prevent the recurrence of cystitis by supporting the physiological function of the urinary tract.